In junior high school I was forced to read "Lord of the Flies" - not to be confused with "Lord of the Dance". One is a depressing book about boys turning into savages and the other is a riveting stage show with many well-conditioned artists dancing without moving their arms. But I am off topic now."Lord of the Flies" was shocking to my little soul, but soon I was required to read "Man's Search for Meaning" by Frankl. It had the same shocking effect, but in a less entertaining way. The significant ponderings of a man who survived the Holocaust and came to no conclusions in his search for meaning in life.
I was then punished as a freshman in high school with Paul Ehrlich's "The Population Bomb" which taught me that by 1990 life would cease to exist on earth because we all would run out of food and die from disease. Of course according to the author we could save ourselves from the overpopulation problem by forced abortions and sterilizations and other methods of self-extermination. I hope we're still here in 1990.
I then went to my psychology class where I participated in a small group project called Lifeboat. I had to decide who to throw out of the lifeboat. Due to lack of food I had to throw out the beautiful actress, the doctor, the fat girl, the retarded boy or the elderly man. I chose the doctor so there would be no real competition for the affections of the actress. But I did feel kind of guilty imagining the doctor floating away.
In the 1970's I also was taught in school that we were entering a new Ice Age and that unless we acted soon a new massive glacier would come down from the north and freeze us to death - or something like that. I'm really glad that 30 years later it is Global Warming that will wipe us out because I prefer heat to cold.
One thing is for certain - when the Iraqis set fire to the Kuwaiti oil fields in the 1990's it caused massive global disruption of the climate due to the smoke clouds blocking the sun and polluting the environment. I hope we survive that one.
In elementary school I was trained how to protect myself from a nuclear attack from Russia by sitting under my desk with my head between my knees.
I saw a program the other day about this meteor that could crash into the earth and kill us all. It was pretty scary. I wonder what would happen if it crashes into the North Pole.
And don't get me started on black holes. Those things are just creepy.
Did you know that on January 1, 2000 computers around the world will shut down and the entire electrical and utility grid will come to a halt? I'm convinced. Well, I did buy a few gallons of distilled water just in case.
If Barack Obama is elected President I do not know what calamities will befall this country, but I've lived through the destruction of the planet several times in my life and I can do it again. You ask me "how?" Well, I do not put my trust in man - even the really smart ones. I even lived through 8 years of Bill Clinton's presidency.
Don't worry. I've read the final chapter. God rules over the affairs of man and during times like these we have an opportunity to live out what we say we believe.
If Obama is sworn in next January I'm tempted to just sit and watch 4 to 8 years of "The Andy Griffith Show" reruns. But I know that I will drag my sorry self to the frontlines of the battle because in the end we are called to do our duty and trust in Him for the results.
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