A Discussion between Rover, Spot, Champ and FleaBait. Rover is a golden retriever, Spot is a beagle, Champ is a Great Dane, and FleaBait is a bulldog.
(The scene opens with Rover digging in his back yard as his friend Spot approaches.)
Spot: Whatcha doin’ Wovew?
Rover: Trying to find that bone.
Spot: Which one?
Rover: The one we took from Champ.
Spot: I think he don’t like you took it.
Rover: What makes you say that?
Spot: Champ says he’s gonna kill ya.
Rover: Oh.
Spot: He says he’s gonna weplace da bone we taked with yous bones. He was mad cos he says it’s hawd to pick haiw off a golden wetweivew.
Rover: Oh.
Spot: Champ says to me, “Wait till I see Wovew. I’m gonna kill him.”
Rover: Hey, Spot, you want to help me fill in this hole?
Spot: I think you gonna die.
Rover: Please be quiet and help me get this dirt back in the hole.
Spot: My momma says when you dead, you can’t bweathe.
Rover: I get the point. Hurry and help me.
Spot: You been dead befowe?
Rover: Of course not. . . (Rover is interrupted as Champ jumps over the back fence.)
Champ: Hello, boys. What’s going on?
Spot: Wover was just twying to find . . .
Rover: An old shoe that I buried. I know it’s back here somewhere. Are you hungry Champ? My master left some Alpo in my bowl. You can have it if you want it.
Champ: No, I sort of had my heart set on a bone.
Spot: Well, that’s just what Wovew. . .
Rover: I’m sure there are bones back here. My master is always throwing them out to me. There’s got to be hundreds of them back here.
Spot: Hey, Champ – you gonna kill Wovew?
Champ: Now, Spot, why would I want to kill Rover?
Spot: You told me you was gonna.
Champ: Oh! You mean because every dog in the neighborhood says Rover stole that beautiful bone from the hog roast at the farm?
Spot: Yea. You gonna eat Wovew?
Rover: Champ, I promise, I never stole your bone. Why would I steal your bone, I must have hundreds of them right here.
Champ: Well, everyone says that you and your friends were snooping around my dog house and the next thing I know – abbra cadabra – my bone disappears. You’re not suggested that Spot took my bone are you?
Spot: You gonna kill me, Champ? Let me close my eyes. Don’t bite my eaws – that would huwt. My momma pwobably gonna cwy. All da dogs gonna say, “Hey Spot’s momma, you doggy buwied behind Champ’s house.” Momma’ll say, “Gweat! I loved Spot. Now he dead.”
Champ: Please!!! Squirt I’m not going to kill you. I’m going to bury Rover behind my dog house.
Rover: Oh!!! Oh!!! Please, no, Champ! I swear I didn’t do it. I didn’t, I didn’t, I didn’t take your bone!
Champ: Really. Then who did?
Rover: It was . . . it was . . .
Champ: Spit it out, or you’ll be my main course this evening.
Rover: It was FleaBait!
Champ: FleaBait?
Spot: Oooooh, you lie Wovew.
Rover: FleaBait, Spot and I were over at your place and FleaBait stole your hog bone. I told him not too, but he wouldn’t listen.
Champ: Are you trying to tell me that a dimwit like FleaBait took my bone?
Rover: He sure did.
Spot: Wovew lying. FleaBait is a good fwiend, he didn’t take you bone. Wovew being a bad doggy. He was digging up you . . . (the three are interrupted when FleaBait waddles around the corner)
Champ: FleaBait, come over here.
FleaBait: Yup?
Spot: Champ gonna kill ya FleaBait.
FleaBait: I gots a bug in some pickle juice and I want to see when I watch it.
Spot: You momma love you FleaBait?
FleaBait: My momma it . . .it . . . it, my momma sings to the squirrels and it makes them sick.
Champ: FleaBait, did you steal my bone?
FleaBait: My bone didn’t fall down when was there. My nose itches.
Champ: Just answer the question.
FleaBait: Spot got a momma.
Spot: Wover gonna kill you FleaBait. But you didn’t do it. Tell him.
FleaBait: Yup. I get rumbly in my tummy. You see those human things can get in the tree.
Champ: This is ridiculous. Can any of you make out what he’s saying?
Spot: I can. He says that Wovew stole you bone and that you should kill Wovew.
Champ: That’s what he said?
Spot: Sowt of.
Rover: Why don’t we drop this whole thing and I’ll get you three big hog bones to make up for the one that’s missing.
Champ: Now, where’s the justice in that? I mean why should you have to give up three bones of your own, when you say FleaBait is the guilty dog?
Rover: I like FleaBait and don’t want to see you kill him.
Spot: I don’t think Fleabait would taste vewy good.
Champ: Don’t worry, I’m not killing FleaBait. He couldn’t tell his head from a bone in the ground.
Spot: So, you gonna kill Wovew?
Champ: What do you think I should do?
Spot: I think you should kill Wovew.
Rover: Hey!! I thought you were my friend.
Spot: I am.
Rover: So, why are you trying so hard to get me killed?
Spot: If you die, I could get the hundweds of bones buwied in you back yawd.
Rover: There aren’t hundreds of bones. . .
Champ: There aren’t?
Rover: I mean, I may have exaggerated just a little.
Spot: You bone in the hole behind Wovew.
Rover: Be quiet Spot!
Champ: You don’t say! Move aside. (Champ begins digging out the hole)
Rover: Great! Now I’m dead. Thanks a lot Spot. Might as well go lay down behind Champ’s dog house right now. It’s over. Kaput. It’s been nice knowing you FleaBait.
FleaBait: I gots da boogie.
Champ: Well, well, well! What have we here? It looks like my bone! Rover, it looks like you’ve been lying to me. Now I’m going to have to kill you.
Spot: Hey, FleaBait, Champs gonna kill Wovew.
FleaBait: Sit on hot road feels good. That was a stinky.
Rover: Please, Champ, no!
Champ: Say goodbye to Rover, boys.
FleaBait: When you shake you head it make you fall down.
Spot: Bye, Wovew.
(Champ begins attacking Rover. A big cloud of dust rises. A door opens on Rover’s master’s house as the master comes out.)
Master: Get out of our yard you big bully! (he throws a big bucket of cold water on Champ and Rover. Champ takes off running.) Geez! You can’t get any rest around here. (he goes back in the house)
Spot: You dead Wovew?
Rover: No, I’m not dead.
Spot: Good, you my best fwiend.
FleaBait: You ever stick your tail in a fan? I did. Look.
Rover: Guys, I need a break. I’m scared and tired and a little chewed up. Would you mind coming back later?
Spot: Hey, Champ left his bone.
Rover: Do me a favor and take it back to him. It’s not worth it.
Spot: Okay. Me and FleaBait will take it to him.
(Rover goes to the garage to rest)
Spot: I thought Wover would be dead. He just gotted wet.
FleaBait: Yup. My momma say if I eat lot of tootie rolls I get brown tooths.
Spot: Hey, want to eat this bone?
FleaBait: I gots a tootie roll in my eye.
Spot: No, Flea, it’s just you eyeball.
FleaBait: I gots a tootie roll in my eye.
Spot: Flea, you do have a tootsie woll in you eye. Here let me get it out. How’d that happen?
FleaBait: It look good.
Spot: It out.
FleaBait: Yup.
Spot: We not dead FleaBait.
FleaBait: Yup. It smell stinky in da car. Momma say don’t go in car, cause it make you flat.
Spot: Yea, you’d be killed.
FleaBait: Yup. You be killed. (FleaBait grabs Spot around the neck and begins to shake him.)
Spot: Stop! Stop! Help! Help!
FleaBait: I help you.
Spot: Why’d you do that!?!?
FleaBait: Yup.
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