A few moments in the life of three sisters – Sue, Lou and Gretchen
Sue: What do you want to do?
Lou: I don’t know.
Gretchen: Let’s watch a movie.
Sue: Do you want to play dress-up?
Lou: That sounds like fun.
Sue: Let’s act like we’re princesses in an ancient castle.
Lou: Yeah! And we’re waiting for a handsome prince to rescue us from the evil knight!
Gretchen: Wanna watch a movie?
Lou: We need some veils and headbands!
Sue: Go get some of mom’s high heels.
Lou: Okay.
Lou runs to their mother’s bedroom and returns with two pairs of shoes.
Gretchen: What movie do you want to watch?
Sue: I’ll wear the pink dress and you wear the blue one.
Lou: Here are some white gloves.
Gretchen: We haven’t seen The Wizard of Oz for a long time.
Sue: We can’t be princesses without some makeup.
Lou: Oh, let me have some of that lipstick.
Sue: You should put on some extra eyeliner.
Lou: I’m sooooo pretty! Look at me, I’m a princess!
Sue: Marvelous, we are most beautiful. Where is our prince?
Gretchen: I’m hungry. Want something to eat?
Lou: Sue, you pretend that you’re crying because you miss our father, the good King Arthur.
Sue: Boo hoo. I miss my father, the good King Arthur.
Gretchen: How about some pudding?
Lou: Don’t worry Princess Sue, I know some shining knight will save us.
Sue: Boo hoo boo hoo. But I miss our father, the good King Arthur.
Gretchen: I can poke myself in the eye. Look!
Lou: Please don’t cry, everything will be all right as soon as the handsome knight saves us.
Sue: How do we know he is handsome?
Lou: Look out the castle window. He is down there hiding in a bush.
Gretchen: I bet if you tried to put a potato in your ear it would hurt.
Sue: Oh, I see him. He is handsome.
Lou: And he will be my husband.
Sue: Your husband? Why not my husband?
Lou: Because I’m the oldest. You get to marry his younger brother, the other handsome prince.
Gretchen: Watch me run my head into the wall.
Sue: But we must first talk to our father, the good King Arthur, before we marry.
Lou: This is true. But we must first be rescued from the evil knight.
Gretchen: My head hurts.
Sue: Let’s go to the window and lower a rope so the prince can save us from this awful place.
Lou: There is no rope, we must tie these linens together.
Gretchen: I can sing. Want to hear me sing the theme from Brady Bunch?
Sue: Secure the linen rope to the closet and lower it out the window.
Lou: Done! Yoo hoo, good prince, we are ready to be rescued.
Gretchen: “Here’s the story of a lovely lady. . ..”
Sue: Princess Lou, he is climbing up the tower of the castle.
Lou: It won’t be long now.
Gretchen: “. . .the youngest one in curls.”
Sue: Here prince, come into our window and take us home.
Lou: Oh, no! The evil knight has entered with his sword.
Sue: Hurry prince, the knight is going to cut the linen rope!
Gretchen: Cindy Brady was a dork.
Lou: Jump on the knight while I pull the prince in the window.
Sue: Go away you mean knight. Wait until my father, the good King Arthur gets you. You will regret all of this stuff.
Lou: Prince it is so good to see you. You must fight the evil knight for our honor.
Gretchen: Polka dot dresses make me look fat.
Sue: They are fighting. They are fighting!
Lou: They are clashing their swords together and it’s really scary. I hope we get saved.
Gretchen: I think I just tooted.
Sue: Oh. The prince just ran his sword through the evil knight.
Lou: Oh no. The evil knight just ran his sword through the prince.
Sue: They’re both dead.
Gretchen: Look I’m dead.
Lou: Someone is knocking on the castle door.
Sue: Who could it be?
Lou: It sounds like the knock of our father.
Sue: You mean our father, the good King Arthur?
Gretchen: I’m alive now, no need to cry.
Lou: Father! We are so happy to see you.
Sue: We love you good King Arthur.
Gretchen: When I’m not near the boy I love, I love the boy I’m near!
Lou: I’m bored. Let’s play something else.
Sue: I’m bored too, what do you want to do?
Lou: I don’t know, what do you want to do?
Sue: Want to play with Gretchen?
Gretchen: Hey, want to play with me?
Lou: I don’t know. How about riding our bikes?
Sue: That sounds like fun.
Lou: Mom, told us we needed to walk the dog.
Sue: Let’s take Champ on a leash while we ride our bikes.
Lou: Good idea.
Gretchen: I wonder what dog meat tastes like?
Sue: Gretchen! How dare you talk about Champ like that?!
Lou: You are one sick girl, Gretchen!
Gretchen: It tastes like chicken.